Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health problems. These and other mental health symptoms not only undermine well-being, but they also interfere with work, homelife, and socialization. It is important to be accurately diagnosed for the appropriate treatment to be administered.

Anxiety is the most common mental health diagnosis in adults. Happily, anxiety disorders are treatable. Unfortunately, only half of those suffering from an anxiety disorder seek treatment. Untreated anxiety often leads to other complications, such as addiction. Anxiety can be recognized by feelings of nervousness or restlessness, a recurrent sense of impending danger or panic, unusual feelings of weakness or tiredness, difficulty sleeping, or trouble concentrating, among other symptoms.

Clinical depression is present in about 1 in 10 adults. If untreated, depression can lead to serious consequences. For example, suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15-29 year olds. Fortunately, depression is treatable, and the majority of those treated experience full remission of the disorder. Depression can be recognized by consistent or recurrent feelings of sadness or irritability, spending less time with friends, difficulty concentrating, thoughts of suicide, or changes in appetite, sleep, or energy, among other symptoms.

If you suspect that you or someone you love may be experiencing anxiety or depression or have another mental health issue, MARS Memory-Health Network can help. Call MARS Memory-Health Network today and make an appointment to get an assessment that may help change your life or the life of your loved one.

To learn more about our Psychological Well-Being services, contact us today.

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