The Science of Memory Health
Have you ever asked yourself the question, “Do I have a memory problem?” When we ask that question, we are really asking, “Is my memory getting worse than I would expect with normal aging?” Now that’s a difficult question to answer.
Below we discuss what memory loss is, the best way to treat memory loss, and how best to answer the all important question, “Do I have a memory problem?”

Preserving Memory Health
Your brain, like all of the other organs of your body, is affected by your health-related behavior. We are accustomed to hearing that the health of our heart depends on making healthy choices and developing healthy habits. The fact is, your brain is even more vulnerable than your heart is to the effects of unhealthy choices.
Aging and Memory
As we age, our memory seems to get worse. For example, we may find it hard to remember details about things we did recently. We may find it hard to remember lists or numbers. We may also find that sometimes we forget to do something we had planned. We may even call these “senior moments.” Normal age related memory loss is real and nothing to be alarmed about. However, normal age related memory loss is small and should have little impact on your daily life.

Do I Have a Memory Problem?
Memory loss often results from progressive diseases that attack the cells in your brain. The treatments for progressive memory loss are most effective when given early. Unfortunately, standard medical practices do not catch memory loss in its early stage.
How Does MARS Help Preserve Memory Health?
At MARS Memory-Health Network, we believe a healthy mind is at least as important as a healthy body. Our goal is to help maintain your brain functioning and quality of life as you age.

Living Well with Memory Loss
If you are already diagnosed with dementia, it is important to do all you can to maintain your quality of life. You can do this by complying with your doctor’s treatments, educating yourself and your loved ones about your disease, and not giving up on life. Remember, you are not alone. Many people have experienced this and you can learn from their experiences and knowledge. Below are some tips for maintaining your quality of life.
Memory Loss FAQ
As we age, disease related memory loss becomes increasingly frequent. At age 60, the chance of having abnormal memory loss is about 1 in 100. Our chances increase steadily, until at 85 our chance is about 1 in 2. So, understanding memory loss, and how to best protect ourselves from its devastating effects, is critical to maintaining our quality of life.